Clint Eastwood has done it again: somehow, his superb acting has managed to rise above the corny lines crafted for him by Nick Schnek and Dave Johannson in "Gran Torino."
I think I need to do more background research before viewing a film or at least before I write the review. My article also lacks consistency in reference to characters/actors in the film. And then, there is the flow of my article. I guess writing without a set structure is hard to adjust to. The more NYTimes reviews I read, the more I realize more evidence is better than more points. Just another thing to work on.
Overall, I'd give myself a C+ ish.
I have similar concerns with my reviews. I feel that I have little knowledge to go on sometimes, and yet I try to write a compelling review and it ends up blowing up in my face. Reading the reviews helps me to get a sense of what I should be doing as well.